HomeWhat we do
What we do
Helping small businesses thrive around the globe...
Across the globe, Peninsula Group supports employers through their toughest workplace challenges.
Each day, small business owners face hurdles of all different sizes. From HR to health & safety, technology to tax advice, the Peninsula Group companies have got you covered, providing familiar reassurance, expert knowledge, and practical solutions to keep you compliant.
It's how more than 145,000 employers around the world reduce their legal risk and free up more time for their business.
Customers Globally
In total, the Peninsula Group has more than 145,000 businesses and organisations subscribed to its services across the world - in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
for FY24
- Turnover for the financial year ending March 2023 (FY23) was £395m, which grew by 8% to £425m for FY24.
- Growth in client base of 9%

We anticipate this growth will continue across all areas of the business.
And whether it’s in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand or Canada, we remain committed to providing great value and the highest standards of service to our clients.
Peter Done
Peninsula Group CEO and Founder
Peter started Peninsula in 1983 as the first consultancy to make HR and health & safety services accessible to businesses of all sizes. Today, Peninsula looks after over 145,000 companies worldwide, with offices in the UK, Republic of Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Peter has been named one of the UK’s top CEOs, he is a member of the Forbes Business Council and is regularly published in the Times Enterprise Network and FT Adviser.
Our Companies and Services
Discover more about the companies that make up the Peninsula Group below.

Peninsula Business Services – Employment law, HR, and health & safety services
Peninsula protects employers across the globe.
From small start-ups to well-known brands, we support tens of thousands of businesses with HR and health & safety. Business owners reduce their legal risk and save time with our expert advice, documentation, and more.
- HR & health and safety advisory services
- Workplace contracts, guides & document services
- Health & safety policies and document services
- Health & safety reviews and risk assessment services
- Employment law services
- Legal insurance
- Health & safety insurance
- HR compliance and in-house training

BrightHR – HR and health & safety software for SMEs
Smart HR software powered by HR, health & safety, and legal experts. We give employers technology that’s easy to use, and advice that’s clear, practical, and jargon-free. End-to-end management support, from the initial talent search to helping manage employees and handling difficult decisions. Our platform analyses problems and provides legal solutions.
Everything you need to simply manage your staff, all in one place, PLUS free tools to set your business apart
- Cloud based HR software
- Cloud based Health & Safety software
- HR & health and safety advisory services
- Workplace contracts, guides & document services
- Health & safety policies and document services
- Health & safety reviews and risk assessment services
- Legal insurance
- Health & safety insurance
- HR compliance and in-house training
Croner – HR, employment law, health & safety services
Our award-winning team delivers outsourced HR, employment law and health & safety services to UK businesses. We’re one of the oldest and most trusted business support services in the UK, with almost 15,000 businesses relying on us for workplace support and business compliance on all levels.
- HR & health and safety advisory services
- Workplace contracts, guides & document services
- Health & safety policies and document services
- Health & safety reviews and risk assessment services
Croner-i – Tax, audit, and accountancy specialists
We specialise in tax and accounting, health & safety, and a wide range of other sectors. Every day, Croner-i helps thousands of companies and accountancy firms comply with the law, achieve and maintain best practice, and create value. For decades, we’ve been the foundation upon which businesses have built their reputations.
- Tax & accounting, HR & compliance specialist services

Health Assured – The UK and Ireland’s largest EAP provider, health and wellbeing services
The UK and Ireland’s largest independent and award-winning Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provider. Years of experience with health and wellbeing, public, private, and non-profit businesses rely on our clinical expertise to provide support to over 13 million lives.
We are trusted experts in reducing stress, combating absenteeism, encouraging good mental health, and promoting positivity in the workplace. Award-winning support: Your healthy advantage.
- Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) & Health & wellbeing services
- Counselling services
Irwell Law – Legal and insurance services
Irwell Law is the trading name of Peninsula Legal Services Ltd. Obtaining authorisation from the SRA as a licenced body allows the Peninsula Group to add yet another string to our bow, providing – through Irwell Law – a wider and more specialised legal service.
Irwell Law is ideally placed to help service legal requirements for Peninsula Group clients; a unique and agile arrangement demonstrating the innovation and forward-thinking nature of the Group.
- Employment law services
- Legal insurance
- Health & safety insurance
Graphite – Employment law consultancy, training, and HR compliance provider
A specialist employment law consultancy, training, and HR compliance provider with over 20 years in business. We provide mediation services and can act as independent investigators, hearing officers and appeals officers, while also conducting settlement processes.